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Physio Mobility+

Discover a new, efficient physiotherapy.

What is Mobility+?

Mobility+ is a powerful physiotherapy tool that allows you to practice physio exercises at home. It uses advanced Machine Learning algorithms to track your motion and verify that you are doing the exercises correctly.

ML Rep Detection
AI Assistant


Mobility+ provides several exercises to help you recover from injuries and improve your mobility.

Learn more


See what our customers love about our products. Discover how we excel in efficiency and satisfaction. Join us for quality, innovation, and reliable support.

Mobility+ told me I moved like a robot... and not in the good, efficient way. It’s glitchy, frustrating, and seems to think my daily routine should involve more bugs than benefits.

Remy Sharp
Remy SharpSenior

If you enjoy confusing interfaces and constant errors, then Mobility+ is perfect for you! The physio exercises barely track correctly, and when they do, it's like the app has a vendetta against my form. Truly a masterpiece in frustration.

Travis Howard
Travis HowardSenior

Mobility+ simplifies my life by simply not working. The exercise tracking is so inaccurate, I might as well just wing it and hope for the best. It’s like the app was designed to make physio exercises harder, not easier.

Cindy Baker
Cindy BakerBroken Back

Attention to detail? More like attention to disaster. Between the app freezing mid-exercise and the ML mistaking my stretching for a seizure, I’ve never been more frustrated with a product. Premium experience? Only if you’re paying for disappointment.

Remy Sharp
Julia StewartLegs Broken

I’ve tried other products, and this one takes the cake for being the worst. It’s like Mobility+ was designed to track my every misstep...literally. The only thing it’s good at tracking is how much I hate it.

Travis Howard
John SmithShoulder Cuff Injury

The quality of this product is so bad, I’m not sure how it made it past testing. It’s buggy, inaccurate, and barely works as advertised. Definitely not worth the investment—unless you like wasting money.

Cindy Baker
Daniel WolfRotator Cuff Injury

Frequently asked questions

You can reach me by emailing he.patrick2005@gmail.com. I may not respond promptly.

No. It's free.

Instead of going through the hassle and expense of hiring a physiotherapist, you can use our product to relieve pain and improve mobility in the comfort of your own home. Our product is designed to provide feedback, making it an excellent alternative to traditional physiotherapy.